Costa Rica -4h.
We arrived 30-45m ahead of time to Miami international airport, then
after being digitalized all ten fingers, being photographed, being
asked if we were planning to kill Obama, having to explain where we
work, or why Alberto doesn't work, we had to pick the luggage clear
customs and check in again. It was around 3:40 pm local time when we
were finished.
We had a long connection, We looked at the flight plan and saw a 22:00 on it.
So we had to try to something. We were advised there was a Mall near
by, and today was Thanks Giving shopping day. So we thought in going
to the Mall to see the atmosphere, and then go to South Beach. But we
couldn't make it,... Destiny had something else planned for us......
This was day when we were going to start understanding how women feel
when they cross the revolving doors of a shooping mall, and transform
themself. We could blame the heat, the humidity, the lights, the crowd
of people everywhere, the good € vs $ rate, the extra 25-40% discounts
over already discounted Outlet prices, the lack of sleep, the jetlag,
the contagious american way of life, or feeling like home where
everyone speaks spanish except for few speaking english. Could be one
of those things or all of them, but for 1.5h we didn't know we were on
a backpackers trip to Costa Rica.
We arrived to the with the plan of looking, and maybe buying a pair
of thongs, and we end up with 3 pairs of Levis 501s, 3 Polo shirts, 6
pairs of socks, a RL cup, a swimming short, a magneto and a postcard,
and of course no thongs, And when we were waiting in the Tommy
Hilfiger queue with a coat and a couple of scarves, we realized that
it was 6 pm, and we mislooked the departure time, 22:00 was the
arrival time , and we were departuring in 2 hours, so for the second
time in 24 hours, we had to rush to catch the plane.....
A known anonymous