viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009

Day 4 Meeting Sean Barlow.

Day 4 Meeting Sean Barlow.

A couple of months ago, I exchanged some emails with my frien Sean, from the days when I was working in Portsmouth, he has been living in Amsterdam for 9 years and was a surprise that he moved back to Sydney just recently. Well I made a mistake,  I though he gave me his phone number, but he didn't and just hours before departuring I realised I didn't have his phone number, nor I actually confirmed to him how many days I was planning to be in sydney, nor the actual day I was arriving.

So I dropped him an email ......  but since I did it in such a rush I choose the wrong email address, a hotmail one he is not using..... I did send him the Austraulian number I bought, again to the same number,,,, and surprisingly I was not receiving responses. it was obvious that he was not checking his email. But by pure coincidence because he didn't sent any of the email I sent, Sean dropped me an email with his phone number asking, dude when are you coming to Sydney?.

It would have been better if I could have catch him earlier so I would have avoide going to the Fish Market, which it is announced like a "you cannot miss" tourist attraction, when it is really not. It is a fish market, nothing expectacular, not big, not bussier than you woudl expect on a Friday morning, and there are some places that they woudl cook the the fish you buy,,,,, so why would the guides tell you to go early when you just had breakfast... 

Never mind. The rest of of the day was relaxing, when to Bondi (which Sean) and had couple of beer, and then afternoon/evening as the wheather got better (was cloudly in the morning). we meet Sean's wife and few friends of then in Darling Harbour for as beer seesion in a pub there, and then some club action.

Todays plan, brunch in Manly, then go a couple of beaches up to avoid tourist, and have some beach and sun session.

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