Day 25 This is the end.....
Like the song of The Doors, which is the song I always try to listen before I go to bed before a marathon, This is the end ....
Today was my last day in Australia, and I have to say that it has not been the most exiting one. Today I had the task to have a peek on Melbourne, which is a city that I indeed liked, lots of cafes, full of people in the street at all times, a city I would be comfortable living in. I went around the city and enjoyed it.
The other task that I had for today was shopping (which is not my most exiting exercise), I have been leaving all the shopping to the very last day, because I could not be carrying staff on all this travel, with packing and unpacking everyday. During all this travel, I have been finding things that were ok, but not buying them, and today,,,, I could only find 3 or 4 crappy souvenir shops with awful staff. And also trying to buy the didgeridoo for my friends, an small one, and all that I have found were crap and cost minimum 70 euros, and they would be souvenirs only (no chance to play nothing). So I am living it to tomorrow morning in the Airports a couple of things if I find them, if not .. well, I'll have to come back again, which I wouldn't mind it.
Basic plan for what it is left, is going to meet the guys from the last trip from Adelaide, (yesterday we stayed till 2 am) to say goodbye, and tomorrow at 6 am wake up since I have the airplane leaving at 10:40.
Next update on the blog from Spain.
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