TRIP TO US Preliminary and D-DAY
It's been a while since I the last time I wrote in the blog, and to tell you the truth I should say that I have more interesting things to say than normally but since they are involving another person I would have to be quiet about them.
I should say that the last 6 months has been for me, and still is, a period of great emotions, where I have been changing many of my preconception I have about me and about what life got planned for me. Life has prove me wrong about few things that I thought, and was certain about. And I was wrong for good.
Going back to concrete things, trip to US and blog. Firstly I am writing the blog about 1 month after the trip started so this is not going to be a "live" blog, however I would be writing it as would all have happened on the very same day I am writing each of them. So forget everything that you have been told about not being able to travel in time.
Einstein's laws doesn't apply to imagination and in my mind today is Wednesday 10th of August, Maria José and I arrived to Madrid last
Sunday. Unfortunately my vacation start today, so I had to work Monday and Tuesday. Monday was ok, I didn't finish to late, so Mjo and myself went to "la Latina" to have something for dinner, some tapas, bier and wine. I specially liked the last one we went, can't remember the name, in calle Almendro, a place with excellent Jamon and reasonable price.
But yesterday was not that good, I had to close everything at work before finishing for the day, and I arrive home close to midnight, I already told Mariajo to have dinner by herself. So I had my late dinner quickly and I started packing my luggage, yes stated, in preparation for our trip to US which was departing this morning at 11:00 am, so we had to be in the airport by 8:00 am, so we had to be up & running by 7. So you can feel the tension. Mariajo went to bed to try to have 6 hours sleep, and I did the packing going to bed by 4 am, so you can do the math..... Not much/enough sleep.
But we did it. We arrive to the airport by 8:15 approx, and surprising enough we didn't find in front of us a long line/queue to check in. By 8:30- 8:40 we had already checked in, and.... And when we got into the plane we understood why we didn't have to wait to long. Everyone else went before us, so Mariajo was siting next to me, with the aisle in between!!!!
I have realized that I have not told anything about the trip. I guess I should. Mariajo and I planned this some time ago. Before meeting Mjo, the plan was to go with Alberto backpacking Thailand, but I don't regret to say that the plan changed and Thailand will be done in the future, with Mjo on in. So the new plan is travelling to US.
"east coast or west coast?"..... BOTH
"where are you going?" Delaware and San Francisco.
"why Delaware? Not a typical tourist place" One of the best Mariajo's friend, Carol, married an American, DJ, and they live in Delaware and we are going to visit them. Actually in San Francisco we are visiting friends on mine, Juanjo and Susana. They will appear numerous times during these series of blogs.
But here am I, in Clayton, a small, of I should say tinny town in Delaware, close to Smyrna, about 30- 40 miles north of Dover, 20 hours after we woke up, and with 3 or 4 Sam Adams with me already.
We have arrived to Washington international airport, direct flight from Madrid, and there we were picked up by Carol and her mother in law Jennie (I should check how her name spells) and after 2 hours drive, including 2 wrong exits from the motorway, an a small unplanned trip through DC, ( until we finally were able to follow TomTom's indications) we arrive to Carol's.
Not long later DJ, Carol's husband arrived, and after the necessary introductions we had our dinner, while we were the dinner of the thousands of Mosquitos. Specially Carol and I were been badly, despite the tropical insect repellent I use, which seemed to be only half efficient on Maria José.
We went to bed early because DJ had an early start, and Mjo and myself were exhausted.
Filo, un anónimo conocido