Today I am sugesting the following post in Spanish.
El Juego de las diferencia. Ponte en la piel de tu cliente spanish version
@Mariajose_such suggests using the Repertory Grid Technique (RGT) in customer engagement.
It is a tool used in Psychology and in experience design. But it can be really be expanded to more areas, she suggest using it in Customer engagement and innovation.
The technique is simple. You present 3 products to the customer and you ask them adjective to describe what do they have in common and what are their the things they differ.
This is very useful, because you can feel how your product is perceived in comparation with the competition, you can find what others products are perceived better than your product and what your product is perceived as better than competition.
It is very interesting because you can see how different cultures and people might perceive things different, so you can adapt your product to them. For example you can addapt your product for the Asian market enhancing the feature that they would value more.
Also knowing what is important to your customer (whether they are seen in your product or in the competition) is important for you to try to find what do you need to engage your customer, and make him be part of viral marketing strategy.
Very interesting post..... and more to come... Stay tuned here, and for those spanish readers stay tuned to @Mariajose_Such on
Here is this post google translated for english readers
The differences game. Get into your customer shoes shoes of your customer. english google translated version
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