How to recruit the best talent is difficult, all companies look for it. Genius are a scarce resource, difficult to find and to keep. What about of I need the brightest idea for a proyect, and I need fresh ideas. Well @mariajose_such introduces us to crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing helps with the problems already mentioned, and many more here is her post ¿Donde están los Genios?
If you cannot read Spanish the following is the google translated version This is a very interesting post where Maria José shows how Heineken used crowdsourcing to create the design of their anniversary limited edition bottle. Heineken created a open request for desings, and engaged the whole world as there would need to be a parnership between two bottle desings, in the end they would chose the best one. They use facebook, twitter and all 2.0 technologies to announce this, making the designs available to public. Heineken got 30.000 designs from over 100 countries.
Let me highlight the benefits that I see with this
Cheap. Well I cannot thing in a way to get 30000 designs cheaper than this. Surely you cannot guest yor own people to produce that many different designs for you. You would need to have 10000-30000 employees to do so
You can find the best design.
You can find the bright designer you are looking to hire, and you have seen him/her working, not in a interview mode.
But Maria José, far brighter than me found more, and probably more important (read the post ), CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT. Firstly they got engament between the people participating and company itself, and secondly Heineken is engaging the customer, they are keeping them connected to the company, interested in seening what is new, which is quite good for a company with only one product, beer.
Watch the video for more information and to find the winning bottle
And now I'll ask you, how many of you reading this post, I am sure you felt the temptation of going to the fridge an get a Heineken if you had one, or going to the bar and shop to get one. See great marketing tool as well. Watch the next post Filo A known anonymous.
"One good product" companies might have 10 years of success, but when the product reach maturity, they will struggle until they will disappear. Innovation is what would make companies "immortal"
"¿Qué es la innovación ? What is innovation?" is the name of the post tha Agustin Such created in his blog
On the following videoparticipants in the Lisbon Council's 2010 Innovation Summit, chairman or important companies , answered to the questions "What is innovation?"
Agustin highlighted the following ideas.
Without innovation companies die.
Innovate is introducing something new.
Turning ideas into value
I would like to highlight myself few other ideas introduced as well. I want to start highlighting the second and the forth idea highlighted.
It is true that "innovate is introducing something new" However it is not exclusively that. As I have indicated in another post "borrowing" can be innovation. Using a solution to a problem, or a process from a different area of business, and make use of it, can be innovation.
Example, GPS, it was originally used in airplanes and naval industry. Innovation was "borrowing" the idea and introduce it into the automobile industry first, then continue to " borrow" the idea into scanner devices and now with smartphones. Who can imagine now a smartphone without a GPS?
Another thing that I want to highlight is the last point."turning ideas into value". This is very important, and Agustin changed a bit the sentence which was originally quoted as "turning ideas into money". It is true that an innovation can produce money, but not exclusively, so I liked how Agusting used the word "value" instead. Someone in the video mention innovation into process. That is key in my opinion. We can get much productivity by innovation in process, but also we can innovate processes to make the life of the employees "better". Companies should innovate in improving the experience that the employee has when working. You would find the level of engament of the employee increasing, and they will sale the company, not only because it's their job, but most important because they would believe in the company, employees would feel the company as a partner, not an employer.
Innovation focussing internally on the employees and externally on the customer is going to be need if a company that would still be around at the end of the XXI century. If a company doesn't innovate, or simply focus on internal or external they are likely to become a "one good product" company.
@Mariajose_such suggests using the Repertory Grid Technique (RGT) in customer engagement.
It is a tool used in Psychology and in experience design. But it can be really be expanded to more areas, she suggest using it in Customer engagement and innovation.
The technique is simple. You present 3 products to the customer and you ask them adjective to describe what do they have in common and what are their the things they differ.
This is very useful, because you can feel how your product is perceived in comparation with the competition, you can find what others products are perceived better than your product and what your product is perceived as better than competition.
It is very interesting because you can see how different cultures and people might perceive things different, so you can adapt your product to them. For example you can addapt your product for the Asian market enhancing the feature that they would value more.
Also knowing what is important to your customer (whether they are seen in your product or in the competition) is important for you to try to find what do you need to engage your customer, and make him be part of viral marketing strategy.
I have been silent for a while, and many things has happened in my live that would have deserved a few post. I will try to catch up, if I find the time for it.
What I have decided is to start posting on innovation. I will be referring to post from others or I will be writing my own reviews on the ones I would find interesting.
The first one of the series has to be from the person whose influence has change me most. She is the inspiration behind this post, and the main reason behing this series of posts. I will try to inspire her in the same she inspire me.
The following post is her first one on a series of post in Customer Engagement. The author, Maria José Such Pérez, is taking a very interesting approach. Traditionally Customer Engagement is being associated with Marketing, and normally there are Marketing techniques applied to it, the approach that the author in her blog will give fresh ideas coming from non marketing areas. She would be bringing success cases, easy applied techniques from areas such as emotional design, service design, interaction design, user experience, among others, and would encourage readers to embrace these, test them, play with them. This is a good way to innovate in Customer Engagement.
Here is for non Spanish readers a "google translated" page (not entirely good translation) but enough to give you a hint of what it is comming.
Los Talleres Infantiles son noticia....
Gracias a Miguel Rubio, del periódico de la verdad, por dedicarle un
espacio a nuestros Talleres Infantiles...
Nos alegra pensar que esta Navidad, grandes ...
Delicia de Baco Reserva 2007
Delicia de Baco Reserva 2007
D.O: Rioja
Uva: tinto Fino, con algo de Cabernet y Merlot
Precio: 25€ (aunque lo conseguimos mucho mas bar...